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Acute Flaccid Myelitis Info

Acute Flaccid Myelitis (AFM) is a rare but serious condition that has received coverage in the media recently, especially after the first case was identified in Ohio. AFM impacts the nervous system and causes weakened muscles and relfexes in the body. Less than one in a million people in the United States get AFM every year. The cause of the increase in cases since 2014 has not been identified but it may be caused by viruses, environmental toxins, or genetic disorders.

The resources below can be used to find our more about AFM.

Media Release
Compilation Resources
Interim Considerations

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Need Health Insurance?

Do you need health insurance? Would you like assistance finding out if you are eligible for Medicaid or what options you have for Marketplace Health Insurance? WCHD offers assistance in helping you navigate your way through the process. Open enrollment begins November 1, 2018 so schedule an appointment now to begin planning for your health insurance coverage for 2019. Call 513-695-2475 to schedule your appointment. Open to all Warren County residents.

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Lyme Disease Cases Continue to Increase in Ohio

Lyme disease is an emerging disease in Ohio and cases have continued to increase over the past several years.  This increase coincides with the spread and increase of the black legged tick throughout the state. Click below for more information on the reported cases of Lyme Disease in Ohio, Lyme disease testing information, as well as important reporting information for physicians.

Lyme Disease


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